Tuesday, November 20, 2007


These are our rough sketches on paper, after much research and brainstorming. Me and my project mates, Karen and Cheryl, decided to work on a simple, sweet story, mainly teaching about BIG and SMALL things in life. More information about how we generated this concept, can be found in the learning journal! :)
Reflections: Projects always sound so much fun when you hear about it, but only when you really start to work on something together, especially something as subjective as design, conflicts will surely arise. For me, there were times when our group could not agree on decisions such as, how our main character should look like, or if we should include the puppy, or if our words sounded better one way or the other. Everyone had her own opinions and personal ideals of how the storybook should be, which made it difficult to come to a consensus. However, as it dawned on us all that it was clearly impossible to please all, the only way to move on and really get our project started, was to give and take. Sometimes you have to accept someone else's opinions, and do things their way, and sometimes you'll have to insist on your own way when you feel really strongly about it, and hope that the others will give way then. It wasn't easy to gauge when you have to give, and when to take, but things all finally fell into place, and we had our concept finalised. I believe such principles of teamwork will apply when it comes to the workplace next time, especially as I'm aspiring to work in an advertising firm, there would definitely be opportunities to work in a team to generate advertising concepts.

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